
Doing the right thing

Marina Došen Jan wanted to open a new tourism enterprise called ECOTOURISM RETREAT with primary service of the accommodation of guests. She had several years of experience in working in a small company and local community, but she didn’t know,…

In EYE for third time!

Matija is an entrepreneur with experience in the new media and culture field, especially cultural management. Guided with good past experience with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, he decided to participated in the Programme for the third time! He contacted Jelena,…

Together in new business

Marija Latin is an owner of translation company ˝Riječ po riječ˝. The company is specialized in Croatian to English/Italian translation and vice versa. However, considering the EU membership of Croatia she decided to seize the opportunity and engage in more…


- Eurostars (EUREKA): Španjolska tvrtka traži partnere specijalizirane za preciznu poljoprivredu
- H2020 SFS-05-2017: Traže se poljoprivredni ili prehrambeni istraživački centri/sveučilišta i poljoprivrednici/uzgajivači za projekt primjene robotike u poljoprivredi
- Traže se partneri za Erasmus+ KA2 poziv ''Strateška partnerstva u obrazovanju odraslih“
- Traži se Eurostars partner za analizu podataka o suzbijanju pojave šumskih štetočina
- Traže se partneri sa znanjem u tretiranju visokotoksičnih i bio-nerazgradivih otpadnih voda
- Litvanska mljekara traži partnere za razvoj tehnologije proizvodnje slane vode
- Tvrtka za završnu obradu metala traži nove funkcionalne i dekorativne premaze za aluminij
- Modna kuća iz Velike Britanije traži stručnog suradnika za izradu digitalnog sučelja

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